Last night I had a dream, and it's a dream that opened my eyes in a new way. In my dream I slowly sunk deep into the soil of the Earth. Instead of feeling scared, I felt safe. The Earth smelled of that Spring soil that I love to dig into after the winter thaw melts away. I saw seeds being planted and the roots emerge from the seedling as the sprout shoots through the Earth towards the sky. I saw how the roots took in nutrients to feed the sprout as it grew stronger and stronger, but I also saw how the roots gave back to the Earth; nourishing Her as well. Suddenly, I saw this seed planted deep into the Earth, but it grew differently. It seemed angry, painful...fear was in it. Instead of green, it was covered in a sludge. It spread rapidly. It grew at a pace that did not seem natural whatsoever. More and more of these seeds were planted, and it seemed like the healthier seeds were losing ground. They were malignant seeds planted by angry words, violent actions, greed, depression, and fear. Suddenly, the more healthy seeds descended into the soil, as if a collective healing thought was being planted, and I watched it take over all of the malignant seeds. The stronger and healthier the seed, the stronger it was against the malignancies. I saw it go back and forth several times, and if the malignant seeds seemed to be gaining strength, the Earth Mother would call in the rains, droughts, or shake; She would do whatever She needed to do to find balance. This was the end of the dream.
I believe this dream is showing the horrible emotional storms we are creating through vehement, personal attacks upon others simply because of our own fears. For me this dream is challenging me to become even more aware of my thoughts; that if I want to see the change, I need to live it by example.
I hope this all finds you well and in a good place....
Beautiful and inspiring! Really enjoyed reading your blog and looking at the artwork. You always share the something powerful.
Sue, I had no idea anyone ever left a comment. Thank you so much for posting.
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