Yesterday was an interesting day. We took our niece to Moab for some hikes and warmth. Our first stop was Moonglow Canyon. It is along the Colorado River, and recedes from the road into a magical canyon. The Anasazi once did ceremonies here as is evidenced by the beautiful art at the opening.
I don't know why I do this, but sometimes when I go into places such as this, I go deep into an altered state. I am mesmerized by the Spirit of the land, I can feel the ceremonies of days gone by, and everywhere I look, I see art....Great Mystery painting Her/His Soul upon the heart of the Earth Mother.
I become silent and wander off by myself as I gaze into all of these paintings....patterns in the soil, brushstrokes through the rocks, light and water dancing with one another, and yesterday I saw the remnants of Fall touching the newness of Spring.
I can feel myself walking in the tracks of the Ancient Ones, and yesterday I heard their whispers. We think they are gone, but no they are still with us; guiding us if we open our hearts to them.
Yesterday I deeply pondered the direction of my art, and They kept showing me the possibilities.
Then as if to snap me out of it, we went for a hike up to Delicate Arch in Arches National Park. The winds were stong, and the sand blasted my skin clean until it was raw and stung in my sweat. I wanted to turn back, but I was determined to make it up the hill.
Inching along a narrow rock path cut into the side of a cliff, I had no idea what was waiting for me out in the open. 60mph winds nearly blew me off the cliff. I instantly was snapped out of the altered reality of Moonglow back into the natural instinct of life. I crouched down and took some pictures, because darnit all I climbed up that rock! I stood up again, and I felt like the wind was actually lifting me up off the ground. A woman grabbed me, and I crouched back down. I was done. I was fully back in my body, and I wanted off that rock! I told Bill I was leaving, and I descended like a bat out of hell.
The entire day was a journey through so many realms of existence that somehow will find their way into my artwork and life....I am so grateful for it all...
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