Saturday, June 6, 2009

Gateway and the Rocks

I love living in the Southwest. Everywhere you go, there are dramatic changes and formations and forests. It is an amazing landscape that I roam through every single day.

Today we went through Gateway, Colorado on the way back from Grand Junction. Gateway has the lowest elevation of anywhere else in the state, and it is amazingly beautiful. Steep red rock cliffs reach towards the sky while forming narrow canyons along the Dolores River. It is lushly green right now. Is lushly a word? No, but it should be!

An elder that I knew for years always told me to read the stories in the rocks. The rocks hold our history, our emotions, our prayers from the past....look to the rocks, and you will know. I did today, as I do everytime I go through this canyon, and there are stories everywhere. Water is the paint...the rocks are the canvas, and together they create the most amazing art. There is this one rock formation in is of a Spirit walking the earth...watching over it, and protecting it. I have been told many stories by many elders from all tribes how there are Guardian Spirits at powerful areas protecting them from harm. I have already done a painting similar to this, (which is above and called Guardian Spirit) but I think I want to head out there and do another painting....she has more to say....:)
If you want to look at this painting or others, please go to my webpage at

Hope this finds you well.

1 comment:

cherki25 said...

So lovely are your words and the area you speak of is some of the most beautiful country here in the states! Love the stone peoples. Gorgeous piece Marie